Tryout Information
Saturday, February 8, 2025
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Tuley Park
501 E. 90th Place
Chicago, IL, 60619
CLICK HERE to register for the 2025 Winter Tryouts
The Jesse White Training Program is available for boys and girls age 6 (and in the first grade) through age 16.. Applicants should have some basic tumbling skills. Students who are home-schooled must bring documentation from the City on City of Chicago letterhead that confirms that they are being home-schooled.
A parent/guardian will need to accompany his/her child to the tryout audition. Students must bring a copy of their most recent Report Card.
For more information, please call (312) 266-7498.
Training Program Information
The Jesse White Tumbling Team Training Program has been designed to enhance the tumbling skills of students that have been selected to participate in the Training Program through the tryout process. In addition to enhancing tumbling skills, the Training Program also teaches discipline and introduces the rules and philosophy of the organization, which have guided the members of the Team throughout the years. The Training Program and uniform are free to all training participants.
Trainees are allowed up to (3) unexcused absences and may be terminated for violating the rules and regulations of the program.
Trainees who are unable to attend a training session should contact Ms. Jones at the Tumbling Team Office prior to that session, by calling (312) 266-7498. Parents are allowed to temporarily remove their child from the Training Program.
Grades are reviewed and monitored after every school marking period. Because the organization requires its student-athletes to maintain a “C” average in their academic school-work, trainees who fall below this standard are required to attend the Jesse White Tutoring Program or show proof that they are enrolled in another tutoring program.
Training sessions are scheduled to be held: Mondays and Wednesdays at Tuley Park – 501 E. 90th Place and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Jesse White Community Center – 412 W. Chicago Avenue. Both locations are in Chicago.